Friday, April 29, 2011

and then there were 4...

Newbie, our fourth chicken, has finally been accepted by the brood. I suspect she won a few fights to get there, but I'm so happy that they're all getting along. She was completely ostracised for about a month and I even had to put her on the perch to roost at night as the other girls wouldn't let her on. But somehow, one day, she went from outcast to best buddy, just like that!

One of the chickens is lame now though, hobbling around. It's happened before and I reckon she'll get better, but she may be chicken stew if she doesn't recover. None of the chickens are laying now becuase the days are too short, but at least they're also not eating much. The food scraps from our next door neighbour and ourselves seem to be enough as I haven't topped up their pellet food for ages, and they used to go through it in about a week.

I'm also knitting my son a jumper - he's nearly 2 and will still wear whatever I tell him to (except shoes, he's very particular about those and prefers mine). Like most new things, I got it a bit wrong, spent 7 hours untangling the massive ball of wool I'd bought and decided I didn't need to untangle before starting, and I've knitted the front of the jumper 3 times (thank god he's small, an adult jumper I would have thrown away in a tantrum by now) I'm now doing the hood and it's nearly done! There will be photos, and he WILL wear it every day during winter to make it worth my while :)

My husband and I have also made a toy kitchen out of a very large cardboard box, with other boxes inside and bells and whistles which make an oven, cupboard, sink and tap. I have some old CD's which will be the stove's hotplates and I think it looks really good! We've used nearly evey cardboard box in the house (and I'd saved dozens) and lots of egg cartons to pad the inside and make it strong. I'll put a photo of it on here too when it's done. I wanted a toy kitchen for my son and a nice one costs $400, this one is made of only what we have in the house so it's free!

Have to go to they gym now, will definitely post pictures next time
x mum to 5 now (4 chicks, one boy)
PS happy easter and enjoy the wedding if you're into that

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