Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Our chickens are finally laying eggs. After a week of getting one or two per day, we're now reliably getting 3 eggs a day. The chickens are in the good books again (we were threatening to eat them instead of turkey at Christmas) and they're getting lots of lovely leftovers. Their favourite is definitely dairy products and once they've had a bit of cake or cream, they turn their beaks up at silverbeet.

We're picking peas, garlic and silverbeet from our garden. I only have a couple of silverbeet recipes left to try (and am sick of the old ones) and I'm looking forward to the end of broad beans - they're as bad as I remembered them, although if you double-peel them, they're beautiful. It's labour intensive though. My baby enjoyed helping peel the broad beans and even ate them straight from the pod!!!

I've started using the home-made soap and it's great. I'm looking into making liquid soap, but one of the ingredients is apparently hard to get...

Now that it's school holidays and both of us are home, my husband and I have started making lots of new recipes. After a couple of years of house-sitting, being pregnant and then having a baby, we have just made quick, easy, repetitive meals and I can't stand any of them now. It's been great trying new things, but I seem to spend half my life cooking and the other half washing up. Once we have a shortlist of good ones though, it'll be good again.

We've also applied to have a Japanese uni student stay for a month. I'd like more people to cook for, seeing as I'm almost a professional housewife, I need more people to look after! We'll get them in February if we're matched with one.

That's all for now. Merry Christmas everyone x

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