Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Photos of a housewife's work

Yes, he is holding a dust-buster, helping with the housework already!

Hmm, I haven't managed to work out how to get the photos and writing in any sort of order so... Here's my son's debut as a knitwear model. I think he's done quiet well, although there are plenty of other photos of him scoffing the biscuit that he's got in his hand here that weren't so photogenic. I painskakingly knitted this jumper, had to re-do the front 3 times becuase I kept chatting or getting engrossed in something else and made mistakes, and yet at the end of it, after saying 'never again' during the whole process, I decided I wanted to make another! I'll do it next winter.
The jumper is a bit short on him, so I'm going to try to stretch it somehow. Anyone got any ideas?

This is the quince paste I made - a huge batch that will hopefully last until the next quinces come into season in 12 months time. I haven't go the hang of making it properly - some of it was not cooked enough, this batch was proabably over-cooked, but the only difference is the colour. It tastes amazing, is a hell of a lot cheaper than buying it ($5 worth of quinces and some sugar is a year's worth of qunice paste) and it gives me an excuse to buy cheese...
My son again, this time modelling the home-made playdough tomliboos (from a TV show similar to Tellie Tubbies, don't ask) I made this beautiful playdough with orange escence accidentally, thinking it was yellow food colouring. So now it smells great too! He doesn't look very impressed with my Tomliboo-making skills, but I had to make them for 90 minutes, while he squashed every one of them and then asked for another. This was a rare moment when I had three un-squashed ones together :)

I'm now tyring to sew. I have my Gran's beautiful 70's brown sewing machine with immaculate case lined with bright yellow daisy wallpaper. It's very simple, which is good as I just randomly pick a setting and hope it works. I've made a huge cushion (I always wanted one and they're over $150 in the shops, I can just imagine my husband saying 'you spent WHAT!? on a CUSION!!!???') this one cost me $10 at the Salvos, buying old cusions to use for the stuffing. I'll take a photo of it for next time. I'm also making bibs as 7 of my friends are pregnant, 6 of them with second children. I discovered you can never have too many bibs, and they're too gross to re-use after one child has spewed on them consistently. So I'll see how I go. I have made 3 so far and they're not perfect but hey, I'm learning, and they're only going to get spewed and dribbled on, I think they'll do the job just fine!

The chickens are going well, still not laying but they're happy and it's nice looking out the window and seeing them there. They're also helping us to plough through the hundreds of self-sewn silverbeet plants (phew!)

Off to bed now, what an exciting life!